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No Params'; } if (ob_get_length() > 0) { //ob_end_clean(); } /***** Prepare contents }********/ if(isset($params['send404']) && intval($params['send404']) == 1) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); // Empty the contents and refill with the 404 page $contents = null; $homepage = $full_uri; if(str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) != str_replace("www.", "", $line_domain['domainname'])) { $homepage .= "{$line_domain['addonname']}/"; } $url = $protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $part = str_replace($homepage, "", $url); $contents = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/modules/404/index.html"); $contents = str_replace("{{HOMEPAGE}}", $homepage, $contents); $contents = str_replace("{{WEBSITE}}", $line_domain['domainname'], $contents); $contents = str_replace("{{WEBSITE_TITLE}}", stripslashes($line_domain['title_en']), $contents); $contents = str_replace("{{URL_PART}}", "/$part", $contents); } if(isset($params['send301']) && count($params['send301']) == 2) { header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); header( "Location: {$params['send301']['url']}" ); } if( $encoding ){ header('Content-Encoding: '.$encoding); print("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"); $Size = strlen($contents); $Crc = crc32($contents); $size = strlen($contents); $contents = gzcompress($contents, 9); $contents = substr($contents, 0, strlen($contents) - 4); // Show only the compressed data echo $contents; // Output the CRC, then the size of the original gzip_PrintFourChars($Crc); gzip_PrintFourChars($Size); exit(); } else{ echo $contents; exit; } } if(!isset($_SESSION[$_SID]['lang']) || $_SESSION[$_SID]['lang']=="") { unset($_SESSION[$_SID]['lang']); unset($_SESSION[$_SID]['domainname']); unset($_SESSION[$_SID]['hosting_server']); unset($_SESSION[$_SID]['alt_ip']); unset($_SESSION[$_SID]['countrySHORT']); unset($_SESSION[$_SID]['countryLONG']); } $general_path = "./"; $modules_path = "modules"; $out_path = "../"; $full_uri = $protocol . str_replace("/", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . "/"; ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); include_once($general_path."locales.inc.php"); include_once($general_path."config.php"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/data.cache.php"); $www_cache = new Cy_Cache_Filesystem($ultra_domainname); if(isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] == 1 && isset($_REQUEST['module_page'])){ $include_page_file = ""; $module_page = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_REQUEST['module_page'])); $qmod = "select * from module where url='$module_page';"; $rmod = @mysql_query($qmod); if($rmod && mysql_num_rows($rmod)>0) { $rowmod = mysql_fetch_assoc($rmod); $mc_module_id = $rowmod['module_id']; } if(substr($module_page, -4) != ".php") { if(isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $action = $_REQUEST['action']; if(substr($action, -4) == ".php") { $include_page_file = $modules_path."/$module_page/$action"; } else { $include_page_file = "$modules_path/$module_page/$action.php"; } } else { if(file_exists("$modules_path/$module_page.php")) $include_page_file = "$modules_path/$module_page.php"; else { if(is_dir("$modules_path/$module_page")) { $include_page_file = "$modules_path/$module_page/$module_page.php"; } } } } else { $include_page_file = "$modules_path/$module_page.php"; } if(file_exists($include_page_file)) { include_once($include_page_file); } else { echo "
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" . $qmc . "
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' . t_("You are not logged in. Please login or signup in order to access this page.") . '
'; //$logmsg = '
' . t_("Ooops! This page requires authentication!") . '
' . t_("Some errors occured. PLEASE TRY TO LOGIN AGAIN!.") . '
'; ?> ', var_export($_SESSION, true), ''; } } } if(!isset($send404) || !$send404) { if(isset($logmsg) && trim($logmsg) != "") { echo $logmsg; } else { if(file_exists($include_page)) { include($include_page); } } if(isset($module_params)) { unset($module_params); } } else { include("$modules_path/404/404.php"); } ?>
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$res_file does not exist"; } } $rfile = @fopen("$css_cache_file", "w"); fwrite($rfile, $res_dump, strlen($res_dump)); /**** ?> "/> 0); if($have_js_array) { $js_cache_mesh = "cache-" . md5(implode(",", $optres['js'])).".js"; } else { $js_cache_mesh = "cache-" . md5("no_js_file").".js"; } $js_cache_file = "$all_cache_res/$js_cache_mesh"; if(file_exists($js_cache_file) && $js_lastmodified <= filemtime($js_cache_file) && $have_js_array) { // Use the cache file /****** ?> 0 ) { $res_dump = ""; foreach ($optres['js'] as $res_file) { if(file_exists($res_file)) { $res_path = realpath($res_file); $res_dump .= "\n\n" . file_get_contents($res_file); } } $rfile = @fopen("$js_cache_file", "w"); fwrite($rfile, $res_dump, strlen($res_dump)); /**** ?> folder $all_cache_res does not exist"; } } if(isset($js_to_bottom) && count($js_to_bottom)>0) { $js_to_bottom = array_unique($js_to_bottom); foreach ($js_to_bottom as $k=>$src) { echo '' . "\n"; } } ?> $stylesheet_file, "javascript_file" => $javascript_file, "api_load" => $google_api_load ); */ //echo '
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